Senegal Dairy Genetics
- 1 Project contact person:
- 2 Project funder:
- 3 Project partners:
- 4 Project objectives:
- 5
- 6 Project outputs:
- 7
- 8
- 9
Project contact person:
Karen Marshall, Senior Scientist ILRI,
Project funder:
Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the FoodAfrica project & the Livestock and Fish CRP
Project partners:
The key project partners are: The International Livstock Research Institute(ILRI) the Interstate School of Veterinary Science and Medicien of Dakar (EISMV) The University of Helsinki (HU) The Natural Resources Institute of Finland (LUKE)
Project objectives:
The objective of this work-package is to identify and promote utilization of the most appropriate dairy breed / cross-breed types for more productive and profitable dairy enterprises in selected production systems in Senegal. The sub-objectives are:
- Farmers and other stakeholders made aware of the most appropriate dairy breed / cross-breed types for selected dairy production systems in Senegal.
- The germplasm value chain of selected dairy production systems in Senegal, and related policies, characterized and used to inform the development of a strategy for strengthened dairy germplasm production and delivery systems
- Local human, institutional and organizational capacity on assessing and promoting different breeds / cross-breeds of livestock for small to medium input production systems in developing countries enhanced.
Project outputs:
Cumulative list of project outputs: File:Cumulate list of SDG outputs.pdf
File:SDG cost_benefit model equations_cleank.docx
1. Profit and cost:benefit of keeping different breed-types of dairy animals
1a. Survey tools
Recruitment survey
Farmer consent forms
File:Lettre dinformation et de consentement corrige.pdf
Baseline survey - household head
File:SDG_TrainingManual Baseline Survey.pdf
File:Senegal Dairy Genetics project_Baseline hh head EN.pdf
File:Senegal Dairy Genetics project_Baseline hh head FR.pdf
Baseline survey - adult female
File:Senegal Dairy Genetics project_Baseline adult femaleEN.pdf
File:Senegal Dairy Genetics project_Baseline adult female FR.pdf
Longitudinal survey - first round
File:Senegal Dairy Genetics Project_12moFR_1.pdf
File:Senegal Dairy Genetics Project_12moFR_2.pdf
File:Senegal Dairy Genetics Project_12moFR-3.pdf
File:Senegal Dairy Genetics Project_12moFR_4.pdf
File:Senegal Dairy Genetics Project_12moFR_5.pdf
File:Senegal Dairy Genetics_ First longitudional surveyFR.pdf
Longitudinal survey - subsequent rounds
File:SDG_TrainingManual FR AllExceptBaseline.pdf
Farmer recording sheets
Transhumant survey
File:Transhumant survey SDG ENG.pdf
Willingness to pay survey
File:WTP survey _ farmer group A_fr.pdf
File:WTP survey _ farmer group B.pdf
File:WTP survey _ farmer group B_fr.pdf
File:WTP survey _ farmer group C.pdf
File:WTP survey _ farmer group C_fr.pdf
File:WTP survey _ farmer group D.pdf
File:WTP survey _ farmer group D_fr.pdf
2. Characterisation of the dairy germplasm production and delivery system, and associated policies
2a. Policy reports
File:Dairy policies framework in Senegal_French.pdf
File:Dairy policies framework in Senegal English.pdf
2b. Value chain reports
File:Dairy germplasm value chan in Senegal.pdf
3. Capacity building
3a. List of project students
3b. Training
File:Senegal Dairy Genetics training 2015.pdf